Heather Brazil

Heather Brazil



   Akron, OH, 44302

When I create, I start with a vision of what I want my piece to express. In my mind, I see the ink and the brush execute my exact artistic plan. But, once I start painting, the reigns are no longer in my hands. The creative process is then in a state of Flow and I let the art direct me. Halfway through the project, frustrated that the ink isn’t doing what I’m telling it to do, I sometimes want to erase my work and start all over again. Then I remember if I’m not happy with what I see that just means I’m not done yet. I have to keep going.

The artistic process is a lot like life. If there’s something that frustrates you, or something that is triggering negativity in your life;  if you feel stuck, that just means you’re not done yet. The idea is to keep pushing through the walls that hold you back. Dont stop. Keep going. This advice can be applied to both art and life.

The end result of my art is never, ever what I had planned.  Similarly, when is life ever what we planned? I focus on creating beauty, balance, love, and light in my work. I choose to spend my time creating art that is uplifting, unique, and lovely.

We are all creators, in a sense, as we create our own reality. Instead of allowing darkness and negativity to overtake our thoughts, what if we all focused on creating beauty, balance, love and light? I intentionally create engaging art that inspires positivity simply by being beautiful.