Free Americans for the Arts Action Fund Membership

Free Americans for the Arts Action Fund Membership


 Anywhere, USA, Unknown

Advocacy starts with grassroots advocates like you!

Join the movement to advance the arts and arts education in your community and across the country.

With your membership, you will become part of the nation’s largest arts advocacy movement to ensure the arts and arts education thrive in America. We need the political clout of our members to convince Congress to reject the Trump Administration’s repeat proposal to terminate the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the humanities, museums, libraries, arts education, and public broadcasting.

Annual membership is free and your online benefits include:

  • Membership to vote on the legislative policy platforms
  • Breaking news and legislative alerts from the E-Advocacy center
  • Quarterly updates through Arts Action eNews
  • Exclusive access to the member’s only Arts Action Fund PAC

Join for free and help #SAVEtheNEA.