Business & Contingency Planning During Covid-19 Crisis

Business & Contingency Planning During Covid-19 Crisis


 Online, Unknown, OH, Unknown

As the nonprofit sector faces unparalleled challenges, individual organizations face potential loss of revenue from places they never expected; canceled events, loss of contracts, program disruptions and more. Join BoardSource as we host Antony Bugg- Levine, CEO of the Nonprofit Finance Fund, to discuss how boards and CEOs should be thinking about business and contingency planning in these uncertain times.

Tapping into Antony and Nonprofit Finance Fund’s deep understanding of the unique financial circumstances the sector and country is facing today, we will take your questions live and break down what options you have to face these challenges and how you can begin to engage you board to be the best partner possible.


Note: The link to join this event won’t appear until we go live. Once that happens, it will be the top post on our Facebook page. The link to the stream will also be posted here on the event page at that time.