Flossye J. Bass Foundation for the Arts

Flossye J. Bass Foundation for the Arts

Art Services - Educational - Foundation - Kids/Family - Nonprofit - Special Events - Traditional Arts

Website: http://fjbfoundation.org/

 (330) 269-5069

 140 E Market St, Akron, OH 44308

Encouraging tomorrow’s artists today.

When you think of your personal experiences, there are elements within your past that evoke fond memories. Think back to high school, to college, think of your or a family member’s wedding, an enjoyable vacation. We would venture to say that many of those elements include music. We would even presume that the moment you hear that particular song, you are transported to that time and place, to a particular moment. You can smell, taste, hear, and even feel the memories associated with that particular song and your reminiscence becomes vivid with life.

Let’s go further and consider your piece of artwork that’s hanging in your home or office. Maybe the color palate on the piece evoke a sense of peace that you find each time you lay eyes on the painting.  Or just maybe the artwork tells a story that words can’t express. For whatever reason, that piece of artwork caught your attention enough to display for all of your visitors to see.

Now, let’s take it one step further and reflect on your favorite television program or stage play. You connect with that one actor or actress and end up following their professional career as a fan and supporter. They may remind you of a family member or friend and sprouts fond and funny memories.

No matter the form of artistic expression, we love to experience – and even participate – in what they create. Unfortunately, not everyone believes that the arts is a vital component to the human experience, and as a result, so many talented artists are discouraged to pursue what they truly love – their art. Specifically, artists of color. For some artists, their craft is their only outlet. For others, art is life. So to be turned away from it for any reason, is a tough mountain to climb.

For this reason, the Flossye J. Bass Foundation for the Arts has been established. This foundation serves as a voice and a movement to inspire artists of color to chase their artistic dreams and study their vocation at a collegiate level. Are we saying that you must go to college to be an artist – absolutely not. But for some, they would love to study their art in higher education, but lack the financial and moral support to pursue their dreams.

We want others to never feel as though their passions are insignificant and don’t have a place.