ReWorks - Summit Akron Solid Waste Management Authority

ReWorks - Summit Akron Solid Waste Management Authority




 2711 West Market St., Unit 13620, Fairlawn, OH 44333

ReWorks is the solid waste management authority for Summit County. As a solid waste management authority, our goal is to reduce and divert material generated in Summit County from reaching landfills. We have programs, education, services, grants, and projects to help with this goal.

ReWorks established an art and education program, cREate Works, to provide area artists with opportunities to work with reused materials to create art. The program’s goal is to encourage people to find new ways of thinking about art and the environment.

Each year a new group of artists is challenged to address a theme around the practices of reducing, reuse, and recycle and work in various mediums to create art to share a message. ReWorks appreciates the efforts and creativity that these participating artists contributed to each project and its message.