Marketing Plan In A Box

Posted by Sage Lewis ; Posted on 
Marketing Plan In A Box



Most small businesses I encounter have no marketing plan what-so-ever.
They have some tactics they want to try. But they don't have an actual plan.

Imagine this:

You are going to go on the vacation of a lifetime with your family.
It's going to be amazing. It's going to be life changing. (It's going to cost a lot of money.)
You wake up on a bright and shiny Saturday morning in June.
You walk into the kitchen where your family is eating breakfast.

And you announce:

"Today is the day we go on the vacation of our lifetime."
Can you imagine what your spouse and kids might say?
"Um... OK."

You might expect they'd have some questions:

Where are we going?
How long are we going to be gone?
Are we flying or driving?
How much money are we going to spend?
What kind of clothes should we pack?
Should we maybe have talked about this first?

I would suspect that you probably wouldn't create a huge vacation like that.
But this is exactly how people market their businesses.
They walk into my office and say "I want to market my business. I want to use method "X".
It's a weird position for me to be in. I don't know why they chose that method or a whole other series of questions.
But they didn't come to me asking for a plan for their marketing. They just told me what they wanted me to do.

That's not a plan. That's blindly walking around.


This is why I invented:

Marketing Plan In A Box


Marketing Plan in a Box guides you step by step through creating a comprehensive marketing plan.

When you are done you will have created:

Competitor Analysis
Demographic Segmentation
Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Pricing & Positioning Strategy
Your Offers
Marketing Materials
Promotions Strategy There are numerous promotional tactics, such as television ads, trade show marketing, press releases, online advertising, and event marketing.
Determining Success
Advisory / Mentor Strategy

This is a complete marketing plan that is going to guide you and show you how you need to proceed with your business.

Not having this information is just stumbling around in the dark.


How It Works

This is an 8 week series.
Each session will be emailed to you. You'll watch that session which is usually 40-60 minutes.
At the end of the session you will have homework. That homework will create a section of your marketing plan.
When you are done with the series you will have a complete marketing plan.
There is also a members-only group that you will be given access to. You can ask me and the other members questions or get feedback with how you are doing.
That's it.
Do a little each week and you'll have a world-class marketing plan.

Pay what you want at the end.


Here is the best part:

You don't pay anything now. You simply sign up below and start the program.
At the end of the series you will be given a link to pay what you think the program is worth (or what you are able).
If you thought it was pointless and a waste of time, pay nothing.
If you thought it was great, pay that.
As a guide, the first group of people I sent through the program paid $49. You can pay that, or more or less. It's all up to you.
There is nothing to pay. This isn't some kind of bait and switch. You will immediately get access to the first session in the series.

Pay what you think it's worth at the end.
Take control of your business. Stop just wondering around aimlessly hoping you'll get to the place of your dreams. It doesn't happen that way!

To enroll, go to


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